Hope Network Neuro Rehabilitation (Grand Rapids)

Hope Network Neuro Rehabilitation

Program Description

Hope Network Neuro Rehabilitation provides post-hospital rehabilitation services and specialized medical care for those who have sustained a brain or spinal cord injury, or other neurological condition. A range of services and customized therapy plans help people make the best comeback possible.


Admissions Department

Phone: (855) 407-7575

Fax: (616) 942-7130

Email: comebacks@hopenework.org

Website: https://www.hopenetwork.org/neuro-rehab/


1490 E. Beltline SE Grand Rapids, MI 49506

Eisenhower Center

Eisenhower Center

Program Description

Eisenhower Center is proudly celebrating 20 years of service to individuals recovering from brain and spinal cord injuries. Our dynamic multi-disciplinary team is constantly striving to develop new programs to help each and every person meet their rehabilitation goals.


Maggie Lanham, Associate Director of Admissions

Phone: (800) 554-5543

Fax: (800) 677-0890

Email: mlanham@eisenhowercenter.com

Website: http://www.eisenhowercenter.com


3200 E Eisenhower Pkwy, Ann Arbor, MI 48108, USA

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Community Connections
Lightouse Neurological Rehabilitation Center